Monday, October 4, 2010

The Inside Story of How Obama Let the Worlds Most Dangerous Oil Company Spiral out of Control News Politics

Jun 12, 2010 & & & News Politics headlines around email. & & Start a Petition » change_setup("300", "Featured", "all", "#DCB000", 6); An endless new review in to the Obama administrations doing of the BP oil brief mess reveals that it was supervision mismanagement, delays and deficiency of slip that authorised the predicament to turn out of control. In the essay The Spill, the Scandal, and the President, Rolling Stones Tim Dickinson writes, Though George W. Bush paved the approach for the catastrophe, it was Obama who gave BP the immature light to drill. Dickinson explores how Interior Secretary Ken Salazar kept in place the oil industry-friendly environmental discipline that Bush had implemented and in conclusion let BP, an oil association with the misfortune reserve record, to get afar with murder.JUAN GONZALEZ: New supervision estimates have found the BP oil brief competence be spewing twice as most oill in to the Gulf of Mexico as formerly thought. On Thursday, the Flow Rate Technical Group expelled the new guess of 25,000 to 30,000 barrels of oil a day formed on report collected last week, prior to BP commissioned a new constraint device. Some scientists have warned that the upsurge rate neatly increasing after BP cut the pipe, well known as the riser, to implement the new device last week. The stream estimates from the supervision row prove that an volume homogeneous to the Exxon Valdez mess could be issuing in to the Gulf of Mexico each eight to ten days. The new numbers were expelled before long after a scientist on the Flow Rate Technical Group publicly warned that the oil competence be spewing out at a rate of some-more than 100,000 barrels a day, a figure BP once called the worst-case scenario.As open annoy over BP continues to grow, President Obama was questioned on NBCs The Today Show progressing this week about because he had not nonetheless without delay oral to BP CEO Tony Hayward. This was his reply when asked what he would do if Hayward was a piece of his administration.PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: He wouldnt be operative for me, after any of those statements. First of all, were going to have to find out because this thing went in the primary place. And the actuality of the have a difference is, is that theres going to be a consummate review, and I dont wish to prejudge it. But the primary reports prove that there competence be situations in that not usually human blunder was involved, but you additionally saw a little dilemma slicing in conditions of safety, and that BP is a multibillion-dollar corporation. Its articulate about profitable $10.5 billion in dividends usually for this quarter. We are going to have to have certain that not usually do they close down the cap, we are not usually going to have to have certain that any low well training routine thats out there is, in fact, failsafe and oil companies know what theyre doing, but we additionally have to have certain that each singular chairman whos been influenced by this is scrupulously compensated and done whole.AMY GOODMAN: Well, President Obama competence right away have a little oppressive difference for BP, but an endless new review in to his administrations doing of the mess reveals it was supervision mismanagement, delays, and deficiency of slip that authorised the predicament to turn out of control. The essay is called The Spill, the Scandal, and the President. Its published in the ultimate Rolling Stone.12345; &
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