Sunday, October 3, 2010

Obama Is Violating 3 Cardinal Rules of US Diplomacy in Afghanistan World

Mar 31, 2010 & & & World headlines around email. & & Start a Petition » change_setup("300", "Featured", "all", "#DCB000", 6); The New York Times carried a really discouraging essay on the front page on Monday. It minute how President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan had invited Irans president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to Kabul in sequence to hang a ride in the eye of the Obama administration department after the White House had rescinded an call in to Mr. Karzai to come to Washington since the Afghan boss had gutted an eccentric row that had detected drawn out rascal in his re-election last year.The article, created by dual of the most appropriate reporters, Dexter Filkins and Mark Landler, remarkable that according to Afghan associates, Mr. Karzai not long ago told lunch guest at the presidential house that he believes the Americans are in Afghanistan since they wish to browbeat his nation and the region, and that they poise an barrier to distinguished a assent understanding with the Taliban.The essay combined about Karzai: He has grown a finish speculation of American power, pronounced an Afghan who attended the lunch and who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fright of retribution. He believes that America is perplexing to browbeat the region, and that he is the usually one who can mount up to them.That is what were removing for risking thousands of U.S. soldiers and carrying outlayed $200 billion already. This headlines is a flashing red light, notice that the Obama group is violating at slightest 3 principal manners of Middle East diplomacy.Rule No. 1: When you dont call things by their genuine name, you regularly get in trouble. Karzai brazenly stole last years presidential election. But the Obama unfamiliar process group incited a blind eye, fundamentally saying, hes the most appropriate we could get, so usually let it go. See compendium for Vietnam: Air Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky.When you can take an election, you can take anything. How will we get this man to quell crime when his total election, and prior debate in office, were built on corruption? How can we be handling a clear, build-and-hold plan that depends on us bringing great governance to Afghans when the head of the supervision is so duplicitous?Our attach� in Kabul warned us of this prior to the election, but in his case, too, we were told to see the alternative way. On Nov. 6, the ambassador, Karl Eikenberry, wrote to Washington in a wire that was leaked: President Karzai is not an competent vital partner, he warned. Karzai continues to evade shortcoming for any emperor burden, either defense, governance or development. He and most of his round do not wish the U.S. to leave and are usually as well happy to see us deposit further. They pretence we wish badly their domain for a everlasting fight on apprehension and for troops bases to make use of opposite surrounding powers.One reason you violate Rule No. 1 is since youve already disregarded Rule No. 2: Never wish it some-more than they do.If we wish great governance in Afghanistan some-more than Karzai, he will sell us that runner over and over. How most U.S. officials have flown to Kabul the ultimate being President Obama himself to harangue Karzai on the need to base out crime in his administration? Do we think he has a conference problem? Or do we think he believes he has us over a tub and, in the end, he can and will do whatever serves his personal energy needs since he believes that we hold that he is essential for opposed Al Qaeda?12; &
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